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Improved quality of life in the communities in Buganda

To draw on the strengths of the Kabakaship to mobilize and avail resources to charitable projects for sustainable community development in Buganda

Sustainability, Loyalty, Self-reliance, Community spirit, Transparence, Accountability

  • Relief of poverty, sickness and distress and improvement in living conditions of children, women, the disadvantaged, and the disabled.
  • The protection and preservation of health with much emphasis on primary health care and the AIDS epidemic.
  • The advancement of learning through formal and informal education, including research into culture and related activities.
  • Conservation of wildlife and the environment incorporating relative biological research





The decadence in which Uganda had been plunged by the past ruling regimes is well documented and need not be repeated here. The plight of the people especially in the rural areas and particularly women and children was, in many aspects, appalling.

The social economic situation coupled with environmental deterioration prompted the Kabaka to conceive the idea of the KABAKA FOUNDATION. This was with clear understanding that great as the efforts of the government were in addressing these problems, there was a concrete need for supplementary support and concerted action in order to have an impact.

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